Monday, May 13, 2013

When I look into the sky

Psalm 8 is the first hymn of praise in the Book of Psalms.  It proclaims something about God that is at the heart of the whole of scripture:  God is the creative, sovereign and life-giving force for the entire cosmos.  This sovereign God, Lord of all, has entrusted seemingly insignificant human beings with power and authority to join God in taking care of this cosmos!  While human beings may be overcome by their insignificant smallness when they ponder the vastness of the universe, the vastness of God has called upon human kind to exercise care over and for the world they have been given.

John Wesley writes of this psalm: If we consider boundless space or boundless duration, we shrink into nothing before it….whenever you are tempted to fear lest you be forgotten before the immense, the eternal God, remember that nothing is little or great, that no duration is long or short before him
Psalm 8 reminds us that we are all made in the image of God.  The world is not here for us. We are, in fact, here for the world!

This week make time to sit and enjoy a sunrise or a sunset.  Be aware of what you are feeling as you make room in the busyness of life for the glory of God’s creation.

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