Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Dismayed by Glory

"Heavens proclaimed God's righteousness and all nations (peoples) have  seen his glory. All those who worship images, those who are proud of idols, are put to shame (dismayed).  All gods bow down to the Lord!  Zion has heard  and celebrates...."   ( Psalm 97:6-8a,  CEB)

In conversation with a friend over this passage, a truth dawned on me.  While all people may see God's glory, not every one has the same response.  Some will be dismayed (the JPS translation of the word translated above as "shame").  Others (Zion) will rejoice at the same sighting of glory.

I think God's glory is the revelation of God's very nature, the very character of God.  The glory of God is seen in God's self-giving.  Another way of saying this is:  God's glory is God's capacity of loving kindness.  Love is the very heart and heart beat of God.

The sign of God's glory is the Cross of Jesus,  his self-giving, sacrificial love. 

The love of God can evoke dismay is some of us and joy in others of us.  The love of God in and through the live of Jesus the  Christ may evoke both reactions.

Our response is shaped by where we place ourselves in relation to God.  If we are consumed by devotion to "idols", to images, and other forces that compete with God for my time, energy, resources, and commitments then we are more likely to experience God's glory as intrusive, challenging, even demanding.  If we are more focused on commitments and devotion that place us under the guidance of God's love, then rejoicing and praise are the ticket.

On some days, I experience both dismay and joy.

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