Monday, May 6, 2013

Reflections on Psalm 104

“Let my whole being bless the Lord!”  With those words, the writer of Psalm 104 begins and ends his prayer.  In between, the creative power of God is affirmed and acknowledged as provision for the care and ongoing nurture of the creation as home and dwelling place for all God has made.  This world is the home God has prepared for us to share with all created life; it is the place God has placed us in the scope of his creative activity.  Even destructive forces like water are used productively and creatively by God to bring forth life and abundance.  God’s hands are not clinched in a fist but are open, filled with life-giving blessing.  When God’s Spirit goes forth life is birthed, sustained and renewed.  (verse 30)

The first part of verse 35, “Let sinners be wiped clean from the earth…” seems like an interruption of the flow of praise in this psalm.  I sense these words to be the acknowledgement that those forces that would seek to undo the creative work God accomplishes will be effectively “put in their place” and their harmful intentions will not be tolerated or effective in God’s over all creative work.

Pause this week and intentionally set aside some time each day to listen to and look for the presence of God’s handiwork within the world around you.  Be observant of moments when you experience the goodness of God, God’s open-handedness of life giving care and blessing.

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