Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Courses We Set

A friend was telling me about a recent trip. We were both amused at how the GPS tended to set the course. We both had stories of courses gone awry.

Then, just the other day, as I was reading Psalm 26, I stumbled across the best GPS (Growth Positioning System) for our faith journey. Here is the Jewish Study Bible translation for Psalm 26 verses 2-3:

Probe me, O Lord, and try me, test my heart and mind; for my eyes are on your steadfast love; I have set my course by it.

The translation inspired me to begin considering those things that set my courses in life, those directions, goals, values, and commitments that I set my heart and mind upon. Over the years those objects of my course have shifted. New objects have taken their place. What guided my course twenty years ago is not exactly what guides my course today.

One certainty over the courses of our lives is this: Though we may experience many changes, the steadfast love of God can be trusted to be stable and secure.

The book of Lamentations was written out of the experience of the nation of Israel losing everything and being taken into exile. It is written to guide the community toward resources for dealing with pain and loss. Here is its profound theme found in the third chapter, verses 22-23:

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning, great is your faithfulness.

As these verses rattle around in my mind and heart, I hear the voice of my GPS, ”Recalculating!”

The courses we set for our lives by are worth pondering.

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