Thursday, January 10, 2013

Praying Francis' Prayer

Over the past month I have been praying St. Francis of Assisi' prayer.As I have been praying this prayer daily a couple of things  have happened that I want to share with you.

First, praying this prayer has seemed to create in me an increased openness to good, to be more attentive to how I contribute to the presence of love, light, faith, peace, hope, joy and forgiveness in situations around me and how I block or resist those  positive forces in life.  For example,  I have over the past week engaged in conversation with a rather loud “Christian” at the gym where I exercise.  In the past I have simply tried to “keep conversations short with him”. 
Second, I have slowed down in praying this prayer.  I don’t rush through it too quickly. 
Third,  sometimes  as I am walking around,  watching TV, or simply driving the words come to mind, “Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.”  This is as much a time of prayer as any other time.  In this way  God reminds me of who he needs for me/ for us  to be.

I invite you to make Francis' prayer your own.  It's worth pondering and praying.



Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Home by another way

Home by another way

"Because they were warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they went back to their own country by another route."    Matthew 2:12  CEB

On this second day of  a new year, I'm pondering going home by another way.  If as faithful writers remind us, God is our true home, and if this word to the Magi is a word come from God to take an alternate route home, and if there are a number of paths to stumble our way home to God ( and I think there are), then here is another way I am traveling this year. 

I am stumbling my way toward God by praying St. Francis' prayer daily.