Psalm 85 is a prayer for the restoration of Israel to her
land. It was probably written at the
time of the exile or in post exile times. It can be interpreted as a prayer of
thanks for the return from exile or as a prayer longing for freedom from exile.
Psalm 85 is often used in the Advent season, a time when we
prepare ourselves for the coming of God’s love made flesh and blood in the
birth and life of Jesus. Advent means “coming”,
“arrival”. It is a time of waiting in
expectant hope for the arrival of God’s presence which gathers up “the hopes
and fears of all the years” and sets us free from our slavery to sin and fear
with promises of shalom (peace and well-being).
As you read the psalm, listen for the sense of longing and
yearning. What do you long for in this
Advent season?
As I listen to news and talk with people, a deep sense of longing for release from a sense of restlessness pervades life. I experience more of an unsettledness of soul and a nagging fearfulness of days to come. Others long for a renewed sense of life's purposefulness and value.
Many seem to be crying out for a glimpse of God's help and guidance not just for themselves but for the larger community of the creation.
So may it be.